Labour announces candidate for Poole
Labour has announced its candidate for Poole in the general election will be local campaigner, Neil Duncan-Jordan. Neil has lived in Poole for over 20 years and is the son of East End parents. He also comes with over 30 years of experience in the labour movement and currently works as a regional official for Britain's biggest trade union, UNISON - representing nurses, teaching assistants, cleaners and refuse collectors.
Commenting on his selection, Neil said: "It's a real privilege to stand and offer residents a chance to vote for a candidate who can speak up for Poole on the things that matter, like the NHS, housing and the cost of living crisis.
The Conservatives have run out of ideas, they've battered the economy and we're all now paying more. They don't deserve another five years to mess things up again. They've had their chance. Now it's time for Labour."
As part of his campaign, Neil will be writing to the other parties seeking an agreement on the use of statistics and data to ensure that only accurate information appears on leaflets and in social media.
Neil said: "Too often there have been dodgy looking charts and graphs giving a completely false impression of voting intentions. I won't do that and I'll be asking the other candidates to do the same. Politics is about choices, but those choices should be based on facts, not lies and fake news.
When I speak to local residents they say they feel let down by the creation of BCP council, because the needs of Poole are not being heard. The civic centre has been closed and is about to be sold off, the high street desperately needs revitalising and our town needs real investment to ensure Poole still has a beating heart. The recent BCP Conservative council have wasted money, just like their friends in Westminster, and now we’re all paying the price. Poole needs an MP who will put Poole families first."
The latest You Gov opinion poll shows that the race to be Poole's next MP is extremely close, with Labour just 2 points behind the Conservatives.
Neil will reach out to supporters of other parties to lend their vote to Labour. "In the 2024 General Election your vote could make all the difference," said Neil. "The polls show that this will be a close-run contest between Labour and the Conservatives, so I'm asking anyone that doesn't want to see another five years of failed Conservative policies, to think about lending me their vote. Labour may not be your first choice, but it's the choice that is going to get rid of the Conservatives and give us the chance of something better."